Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

Today we welcome back guest Jeff Jacobs where we talk through some interpersonal conversation that dives much deeper than the accounting business itself. Jeff and David cover momentum, self assessment, breaking chains, and much more.

Jeff is a returning guest on our podcast where we previously covered client acquisition, retention, and expansion. Jeff is the Director of Development at  Wilkins Miller, where he will tell you he does everything except accounting. Jeff is active in his firm, daily life, and an exciting guest that we’re excited to have back on the show.

Direct download: GYF_009_Jeff_Jacobs_2_Audio.mp3
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Shauna is a returning guest on our show. She is the owner of Tax Goddess Business Services ® and a certified tax coach. Shauna also acts as an author, speaker, and investor. Skilled in many and all things, learn more about Shauna’s career here.

Today we welcome back a well thought and experienced guest, Shauna Wekherlien, CPA and founder of Tax Goddess Business Services. This is part 2 of our interview with Shauna. Check out Part 1 here. In the summary and podcast Jetpack covers Shanua’s inside look at team building and recruiting.

Direct download: GYF_008_Tax_Goddess_2_audio_only.mp3
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 1:00pm EST