Fri, 25 January 2019
Roger Knecht is President of Universal Accounting Center. Since 1979 they’ve worked to help accounting professionals excel in their careers. As a post-secondary school they’ve trained and certified individuals in accounting, bookkeeping, tax and consultative skills to help them get paid what they are worth. Helping accounting professionals have the premier accounting service in their area offering quality value added services with confidence and competence. Roger is a strategic business development leader helping business owners establish short & long-range goals, strategies, plans and policies to increase sales, improve profits and build the value of the business. He enjoys working with business owners to increase the financial value of the company using proven strategies, processes and procedures to: Business Coach Professional Speaker & Trainer Additionally working to help accounting professionals become Profit & Growth Experts for their employers and business clients as certified professionals & value builder providers.
Direct download: 20190124_Roger_Knecht_FINAL.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 11:00am EST |
Thu, 10 January 2019
Bookkeeper specializing in QuickBooks Online with over 10 years experience. Strong focus on creating processes & systems! I specialize in creating a process that will make the financial side of your business less intimidating. Using technology to streamline process and save time is what we do best!
Direct download: 20190110_Kelly_Gonslaves_FINAL.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 11:00am EST |