Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

I assist small business owners, bookkeepers and accountants to adapt to new cloud accounting software in Australia. Through this we'll help you save time, grow your business, improve your marketing and more importantly attain a work-life balance you enjoy.

In order to achieve your goals, you must be a leader and a believer. Your peers need to feel part of something real and exciting in order to succeed. Turning up to work is just not enough.

I believe in creating a positive environment that stimulates and motivates people. An environment that allows people to grow, develop and most importantly enjoy their work.

I am committed to:
- Continuous learning and development.
- Maintaining constant feedback channels.
- Enjoying myself and having fun.
- Succeeding.

I have extensive experience across the payments and ecommerce sector as well as the accounting and fintech industry. I've managed teams of up to 25 people at any one time across all of my roles.
I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow my personal brand.

Direct download: 20170126_TrentMcLaren_Final.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34am EST

M.C. Johnson Enterprise LLC
We acquire lower mid market companies as well as value add partnerships looking to maximize long-term business results. Our ideal partners are founders and family businesses looking for exits due to retirement or other business opportunities. We also seek partnerships with entrepreneurs who have a deep desire to take their business to new levels and want to stay involved in their day to day operations but looking for help in managing the big picture.
We strive to create long term value instead of short term returns with strategic digital marketing, creative capital allocation, asset repurposing and evolved enterprise models.
Send us a message if you're looking to exit your company or are seeking a value add partnership.

United Business Leaders
We use data driven insight to create high ROI campaigns for forward thinking companies. Our primary business specializes in Search Engine Optimization and Instagram Campaign Management to drive business results.

Lead SEO Strategist Remarkable Digital
Assist Remarkable Digital with creating and implementing lead Search Engine Optimization strategies.

Co - Host of The Coders Startup Podcast
The Coders Startup Podcast is a weekly show dedicated to helping new entrepreneurs get their business off the ground. We discuss everything from marketing, finance and product development, to life challenges as an entrepreneur.

Direct download: 20170105_CarterJohnson_Final.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:03pm EST