Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

Geraldine Carter is a business coach who aims to help CPAs get the life and business they want. She runs her own website and is the host of the Business Strategies for CPAs podcast. She has a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Cornell University. Besides business coaching and working with accountants, Geraldine enjoys mountain biking, trails, and raising her family. 

Through her experiences with coaching CPAs, Geraldine has a lot of information to help you move forward with your practices and your firm.

In this Growing Your Firm Podcast, CEO and Founder of Jetpack Workflow David Cristello interviews Geraldine Carter. Geraldine has been on the show before and came back to talk about her experiences with business coaching and provide examples of what plagues CPAs/accountants. Many elements of life hold back firm owners—money, sense of value, where to go next, etc. Clients and the mental mind are two perfect examples of what holds back CPAs/accountants. If you don’t listen to your clients and find your interests through their struggles, you might never find your niche. It’s also easy to become your own worst critic.

Direct download: 20221110_Geraldine_Carter_FINAL.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST