Thu, 27 August 2020
Chandler is the author of 6 bestselling books including “Book Launch” and his most recent book titled “Published.”. He’s also the founder & CEO of Self Publishing School, the #1 online resource for writing your first book. Through his books, training videos, and Self Publishing School, he’s helped thousands of people on their journey to writing their first book.
Direct download: 2020-08-25_Interview_Chandler_Bolt_Final.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST |
Thu, 20 August 2020
I am a professional leader who has high integrity and a passion for Shopify and Amazon e-commerce businesses. Using my many years of experience I have partnered with Connie Smith to create Financly Business Solutions offering cloud based bookkeeping and business development solutions for small to mid sized e-commerce businesses.
Direct download: 2020-08-20_Interview_Teresa_Slack_Final.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST |
Thu, 13 August 2020
A software developer with several years of experience in consulting and product development for the energy industry. After a brief stint in the Bay Area, I'm back in the energy capital of the world and looking to make it a lot more green!
Direct download: 2020-08-13_Interview_Whit_Grovesl_Final.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST |
Thu, 6 August 2020
►►► Do you sometimes feel like your business is an adult daycare centre? Are you constantly repeating yourself, fixing errors and trying to hold things together? What if it were possible to create a business that runs itself?
Direct download: 2020-08-06_Interview_David_Jenyns_Final.m4a
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST |