Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

Radio Talk-Show Host, The Soul of Enterprise: Business in the Knowledge Economy, heard on

Writer, seven books published:

Professional's Guide to Value Pricing (CCH)
The Firm of the Future (Wiley)
Pricing on Purpose (Wiley)
Measure What Matters to Customers (Wiley)
Mind Over Matter (Wiley)
Implementing Value Pricing: A Radical Business Model for Professional Firms (Wiley)
The Soul of Enterprise: Dialogues on Business in the Knowledge Economy

Educator on pricing, trashing timesheets, firm of the future, leadership, ethics, economics, innovation and creativity, marketing, intellectual capital, knowledge management, and other topics.

Specialties: Pricing, ethics economics, marketing, intellectual capital management, and leadership for professional knowledge firms--CPA, law, advertising, IT firms, etc.,

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Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 11:00am EST