If you have started your own business and now need advice or guidance on some of the trickier issues of how to grow, increase profits, improve cashflow or reclaim your life then please connect.
Having spent most of my life running large businesses for other people I have also grown my own successful business(es) from the kitchen table to independent premises and a permanent team before selling up and starting Hudson Business Advice and Minerva Accountants which are both entirely cloud based.
Speaker and writer on a variety of business growth topics beyond the confines of traditional accountants.
‘The Numbers Business: how to grow a successful cloud accountancy practice’ won the specialist category in the Business Book Awards 2019. Co-author of the annual Bloomsbury 'Tax Planning' manual. ‘Growing by Numbers: how to scale up your small business’ was published June 2020
Online courses are available for The Numbers Business, Finance for Business Owners, Growing by Numbers, and the ScaleUp Blueprint.
Passionate believer that numbers are the scorecard for your growing business and you should have them at your finger tips. Also that the focus should be on improving your key numbers.
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-- posted at: 11:38pm EDT