Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

Today on the Growing Your Firm Podcast, David Cristello sits down with guest Kane Polakoff, a principal client advisory services practice leader at CohnReznick. They delve into the world of client advisory services, discussing how to scale it, the tech stack involved, and the execution for high performance. 

Kane’s extensive experience working with various organizations in advisory capacities brings a wealth of knowledge to the conversation. Join them on this exciting journey into the realm of client advisory services.

The listener will learn about client advisory services, scaling, tech stack, executing in a high-performance manner, focus on verticals, building proposals, collaborating with clients, communication, coordination, capacity building, API automation, financial metrics, resource allocation, talent crunch, and industry insights.

Direct download: GYF_030_2-29-24_KANE_AUDIO.mp3
Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 5:00am EST