Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

A behavioral psychologist by training,an entrepreneur by nature,and a mentor by choice,Lee has a career that has taken him from a cushy perch as a nationally known researcher and author into the rough and tumble world of business start-ups and finally to a place where he can focus on the parts he loves best.

A natural strategist ,teacher and expert in high growth firms Lee loves to solve complicated business and marketing problems and help increase the impact of that most maligned character of all...the CEO.

Author,researcher,strategist,consultant,producer,teacher or coach are all roles that fit well.

Specialties: Strategy,marketing and branding for professional services firms.I'm especially interested in the challenges of accelerating and managing growth.

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Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 11:00am EST