Growing Your Firm | Strategies for Accountants, CPA's, Bookkeepers , and Tax Professionals

Karen Reyburn is a creative-minded individual who specialises in online marketing for accountancy firms. A former accountant (and a Certified Public Accountant in the States), Karen now assists accountancy firms with understanding and using online marketing to get more leads.

Karen is the managing director of The Profitable Firm, a creative agency working exclusively with accountants. She and her team work with accountants all over the world, helping them understand the principles of content marketing strategy and most importantly helping them see their marketing delivered on a regular basis.

Karen is a highly-sought after speaker on topics such as digital marketing, social media, SEO, and content marketing for accountants. She regularly delivers presentations for Xero, ICAEW, AccountingWeb, and more.

A dual British-American citizen, Karen's past careers include working with a Glasgow-based accountancy firm, setting up and maintaining a separate consultancy division for this firm. She instigated monthly business workshops, training and facilitating business owners in marketing, strategy, and profitability.

When she's got a few minutes to spare, Karen puts her creative skills to use in photography (weddings, landscape, and city photography), sketchnoting, writing, and any other artistic skill she takes a fancy to that month.

Specialties: website design, content marketing, email marketing, blogging, social media, marketing plans, content marketing strategy, webinar delivery, presenting, content writing, accounting, landscape photography

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Category:Accounting,accountant,CPA -- posted at: 4:48am EST